Lead Where You Are #leadership #leadershipatalllevels #wisdomwednesday

Lead Where You Are #leadership #leadershipatalllevels #wisdomwednesday

Lead where you are.

If you think about the power of those four words combined, they can completely change a person and an organization. 

It is imperative in today’s highly competitive world that everyone, no matter what level you are, or what title you have, or if you have people reporting to you or not, the ability to exhibit the actions and behaviors of role model leadership can change you, your team and entire organizational cultures for the positive.  Leading up to the release of the Lead Where You Are online training program we will highlight areas and individuals that show the true power of change in Leading Where You Are.

To get started in that effort, we will discuss the setting of goals next week...I know everyone dreads that activity, but let me share a quick story of the power of focus.  As a new leader at one the top training organizations in the world, I had inherited an individual who had been the top sales person in the organization for over 16 years.  Same role, same geographic territory, and was extremely well respected and looked up to by all.  While she was very comfortable and successful by all measures, she was not challenged.  I saw tremendous leadership potential beyond just the sales expertise she exhibited.

We sat down for the first time in her career and set professional career goals beyond just the monthly sales targets.  That single one hour act of setting goals to move her from a comfort zone to stretching her talents into more formal leadership roles led this individual to not only take over my position as VP of Sales when I left to start our company, she is now the President of the largest management training organization in the world today with tremendous industry influence and respect beyond all comprehension 20 years ago.

She will be the first to tell you it all started with a one hour investment to set goals.

So what does your future look like?  Do you have goals to get you there?  If not, begin dreaming and next week we can offer tips to get you there.

Leadership Development Without Getting Dressed Up! #MondayMorningLeadership #Leadership #WorkInYourPajamas #Learning

Leadership Development Without Getting Dressed Up! #MondayMorningLeadership #Leadership #WorkInYourPajamas #Learning

A Legacy of Leadership - Peyton Manning #leadership #legacy #wisdomwednesday

A Legacy of Leadership - Peyton Manning #leadership #legacy #wisdomwednesday