C2 Advising

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Leaders Define Success, They Don’t Dictate 

While having the privilege to work with great leaders at every level, every day, I've noticed one trait that transcends all the best leaders is the ability to continually define and align to success. If people constantly demand and dictate success they might achieve success but at a cost of resentment, resistance, and reluctance.

However, if you look to define the success you want then people can align to that success and are more likely to be committed and engaged in achieving that it than just being compliant to the demands of the day. Some examples are: Success for your part of the organization in 2017, development goals for you and your team, or even what success looks like coming out of the meeting you are about to attend. Defining success for even the most simple parts of your day can lead to greater results.

So, do you and those around you know what success looks like?  If not, here is your opportunity to lead with clarity.


Cornerstone Learning is a performance and leadership consulting organization that has worked with clients all over the world. Our focus is working with individuals and organizations to create performance solutions that deliver top-tier results by inspiring, enabling, and developing employee-led, leader supported, and organization enabled performance. We are able to successfully deliver this through multiple products and services such as employee surveysonline training, performance assessments, and performance coaching. The goal at Cornerstone Learning is to assist our clients in developing a dynamic and customized blue print to deliver role model organizational and personal performance.