Lead Where You Are - Pursuing Your Own Performance

Lead Where You Are - Pursuing Your Own Performance


2020 Performance Clarity

How is my performance management process working to enhance my personal performance? Many, many, MANY employee often ask that same question.

Have you or anyone you’ve known ever been surprised at your end of year performance review rating? In your performance review meetings or coaching sessions, who does most of the talking? You? Your manager?

In our new eBook, Lead Where Are, due to be released in just a few short weeks, has a chapter on leading performance. As you look to your 2020 (and beyond) performance aspirations don’t have your performance managed any longer! Turn performance management in a personal performance pursuit. Step up and take control of YOUR performance and YOUR career. Here is an except from the Leading Performance chapter that will assist in taking control of your performance success.



The true measure of any organization and its people are the consistent results they deliver and how those results are achieved. It creates an opportunity to shift the old performance model to one where we are leading our own performance. It is your performance, your impact, your career, in your control. Shifting to proactively accepting more responsibility, actively pursuing personal and team performance, and taking control of performance activities and results may not completely eliminate surprises, but it certainly allows you to lead the conversation, control the development activities, and take more ownership of the results.

Making the shift to leading your own performance versus performance that is leader managed or just annually reviewed sounds great, but how do we get there? By proactively leading where you are and developing a personal blueprint for your personal performance actions and behaviors that are aligned to your team’s and organization’s culture, direction and priorities.

This blueprint starts with establishing a foundation of greater personal and organizational awareness. From there, you create a framework for focused development that assists in enhancing your professional eligibility, suitability and viability. Then ongoing reinforcement and continual enhancements allow you to reach your full potential while increasing your organizational value and relevance.

Once the foundation, framework, and enhancements have been set, establishing an ongoing “performance connection” is the key to evolving and shifting the performance model from leader-directed, mid-year and end-of-year performance reviews to employee-led performance connections that pursue performance.

These regularly scheduled connections are designed to establish clarity and alignment to the department’s and organization’s purpose and priorities as well as establish personal accountability for goals, activities and behaviors through an environment that you create of constant feedback and development.

Your monthly performance connections will set the ongoing performance environment and feedback loop to personally grow and develop the skills and behaviors that lead to delivering consistent and sustainable top-tier results with no performance surprises. Your performance, your career, are now in your control.


For free engagement and performance resources head over to our Resource Vault!


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